SQL practice #1

Leetcode 1098.(Medium) Unpopular Books

Posted by Minyoung Jeong on September 08, 2020
SQL practice

Table: Books

| Column Name    | Type    |
| book_id        | int     |
| name           | varchar |
| available_from | date    |
book_id is the primary key of this table.

Table: Orders

| Column Name    | Type    |
| order_id       | int     |
| book_id        | int     |
| quantity       | int     |
| dispatch_date  | date    |
order_id is the primary key of this table.
book_id is a foreign key to the Books table.

Write an SQL query that reports the books that have sold less than 10 copies in the last year, excluding books that have been available for less than 1 month from today. Assume today is 2019-06-23.

The query result format is in the following example:

Books table:
| book_id | name               | available_from |
| 1       | "Kalila And Demna" | 2010-01-01     |
| 2       | "28 Letters"       | 2012-05-12     |
| 3       | "The Hobbit"       | 2019-06-10     |
| 4       | "13 Reasons Why"   | 2019-06-01     |
| 5       | "The Hunger Games" | 2008-09-21     |

Orders table:
| order_id | book_id | quantity | dispatch_date |
| 1        | 1       | 2        | 2018-07-26    |
| 2        | 1       | 1        | 2018-11-05    |
| 3        | 3       | 8        | 2019-06-11    |
| 4        | 4       | 6        | 2019-06-05    |
| 5        | 4       | 5        | 2019-06-20    |
| 6        | 5       | 9        | 2009-02-02    |
| 7        | 5       | 8        | 2010-04-13    |

Result table:
| book_id   | name               |
| 1         | "Kalila And Demna" |
| 2         | "28 Letters"       |
| 5         | "The Hunger Games" |

My solution
Db-fiddle for this problem

The key intuition was to create a 'temp' table to use for a subquery. Also, we need to use 'left join' as a certain book might have not been sold at all, leaving no data in the Orders table.

select b.book_id,b.name
from Books b left join
(select book_id,sum(quantity) as qu
from Orders
where year(dispatch_date)=2018
group by book_id) temp
on b.book_id=temp.book_id
where ifnull(qu,0)<=10 and datediff('2019-06-23',available_from)>30